
5th in the series, “Modern Family?” Larry L. Eubanks, First Baptist Church, Frederick, Maryland, May 1, 2016 This message went in a decidedly different direction than when I had planned it weeks ago. After I had done the research, I came away with a completely different view. And then I realized that there...

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

We are told that we have five senses through which we perceive the world—sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. I’m going to argue that there is a sixth sense, but I don’t mean ESP or anything like that. I’m talking about cognitive sense—thinking. Einstein derived the theory of special relativity and the...

How To Sustain Spiritual Growth

This is my message given on March 6, 2016 We have had a great response to the Journey of Spiritual Renewal. We have heard testimony after testimony of people who experienced spiritual healing, or spiritual breakthroughs, or people who have challenged to deeper prayer and greater acts of service. Reading the...