“Me Too” is Shifting Complementarians

In evangelical circles there is an ongoing debate between two views of the proper relationship between husbands and wives as prescribed by the Bible. The first, most traditional view, is the Complementarian View. In this view the husband is the head of the household and holds ultimate authority over the...

Paul and the “Silent” Women in 1 Timothy 2

I want to follow up on a comment I made in last week’s post about Beth Moore and the mistreatment of women ministers in evangelical circles. I wrote that one of the things that was said to diminish women was that Eve was “last in Creation and first in the Fall.” I want to dig into that statement a little...

Beth Moore and Evangelical Women Get Their Say

Last week popular Baptist author and Bible study leader Beth Moore published “A Letter to My Brothers,” in which she shared, lovingly but honestly, her experience as a woman in the male-dominated world of evangelicalism in general and the patriarchal SBC in particular. If you haven’t read it, you should....