Plowshares Into Swords, Or Swords Into Plowshares?

What do you do when two verses are in obvious conflict with each other? I’m not talking about apparent conflict or even factual inconsistencies but when one verse uses the exact same words to as another to say the completely opposite thing? As if one is saying, “No, that’s wrong, here’s what is really going...

How to Not Follow Jesus and Still Be Biblical

Yes, you can do the opposite of what Jesus says and claim to be perfectly biblical, quoting chapter and verse, and do so without violating the integrity of the passage you are quoting. That’s because in the Old Testament, there is an argument going on. In ancient Israelite religion, there are two paths that...

The Cross as the Response to Evil

“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” “Learn war.”  That’s an interesting phrase.  Seems we have, all of us. When I was little I just assumed that we would always be at war. ...