Death Isn’t Always About Dying

In a previous post, “The Serpent Didn’t Lie About Death,” I asserted that the true consequence of The Fall in Genesis 3 was not dying, which is actually a very natural part of life, but something much worse—the loss of our humanity. If this is so—and I really believe it is—then it has major ramifications...

The Serpent Didn’t Lie about Death

Humans have a natural fear of death, but that fear has caused us to miss the true lie of the serpent in Genesis 3. In the story Adam and Eve are told that they can eat of any tree in the garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, “for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” (Gen....

Redwood Time and the Kingdom of God

The Coast Redwood is the world’s tallest living organism, with the tallest towering 35 to 38 stories high. From a distance a tree that tall looks long and slender like a basketball player, but in fact the Coast Redwood is massive. At eye-level the trunk can be 27 feet in diameter, the length of two VW...

Ending with the Beginning in Mind

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Begin with the end in mind.” It was popularized in Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, but it’s not a new concept. It means that instead of just letting your life unfold, buffeted by forces around you, with the result that you end up not some...

Waiting for the Lord Requires a Lot of Patience

Nobody—not children, not adults, nobody—likes to be told to wait.  “Wait” means there is something you want, and you want it now, but you aren’t going to get it now.  You never have to be told to wait for something you don’t want or need.  “I’m going to question your integrity and impugn your...