Living Together: Racial Reconciliation is a Christian Imperative

In my last post I wanted to point out that either elation or despair by Christians over the election of Donald Trump indicated that a person had probably put their hope for the future of our country—and perhaps the world—in someone other than Jesus. That is not to say that the election doesn’t have...

Talking Points for the White Pastor—Guest Post

I first met Dr. Bruce Hopler twenty years ago when he came to Maryland as the founding pastor of Cornerstone Community Church. We have been friends and colleagues ever since, even when he moved out of state to pursue other callings. He recently received the Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Seminary, and now...

Racism’s Persistent Presence

Note: I wrote this article just before the Charleston shootings but waited to post it until after it was due to be printed in my church’s bulletin this past Sunday. I considered revising it in the wake of the shootings but decided to print it as written. There have always been signs telling us that the...