“Pure in Heart”–But Not Perfect

I once had a conversation with a friend who told me, quite seriously, that the first humans had photographic memories, had an endless supply of energy, required little to no sleep, and lived for centuries. It was only after the Fall that our memories started to fade, our energy lagged, we started needing...

Tamar and Being Caught in Adultery

There is a story in the Bible about a woman who is caught having illicit sexual relations outside of marriage. The charge is undeniable, the guilt unquestionable, and the penalty indisputable: death. And thus she is condemned. But in an odd and surprising twist, her accuser and the man with whom the...

Discipleship and Religious Bullies

Note: This is a repost (with slight revisions) of a blog from January 2014 that has proven to be one of my most popular articles. It is the second in a series of blogs on discipleship in the church.  Click here for part 1. So many of the discipleship programs I have been through have focused on teaching me...

Discipleship and Religious Bullies

Second in a series on discipleship in the church.  Click here for part 1. So many of the discipleship programs I have been through have focused on teaching me to do religious things like prayer, Bible study, and tithing. These are all good things to do. But here’s the thing that stands out to me as I read...