If Jesus Gives Eternal Life But You Refuse to Live It, Have You Really Received It?

What do you mean when you say you are a Christian? In a Christian-majority country like ours, people mean different things when they claim the Christian label. At the lowest, most basic level, you claim being a Christian because you aren’t Muslim, Jewish or Hindu. But it also means that you aren’t an...

Is Anybody Listening?

In the weeks leading up to Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, there is a change in his demeanor.  There’s more sadness, he’s perhaps more confrontational yet less optimistic that people are going to get it.  The crowds dwindle, his disciples argue more, and the religious authorities seem to be painting a big...

Boring Isn’t Always Bad

A guitar that only costs $150 new is not a good guitar. It doesn’t sound that good, it is not very easy to play, and it has few if any of the decorative features that make a guitar beautiful. So why do guitar manufacturers make so many of them? There is only one reason why there are $150 guitars: because...

He Said to Follow Him

We have different ways in which we speak of what a person does with Jesus when they become a Christian. We ask them to believe in Jesus, or accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, or trust him, receive him or some combination of those. We also talk about worshiping Jesus and following Jesus. All these are...

Discipleship: The Walk

This is the fifth and final in series on discipleship in the church.  See parts One, Two, Three, and Four. In previous posts I pointed out that most of the discipleship training I had in churches taught me to be a good church member, but not necessarily a transformed person; I learned to talk about a lot of...

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