When Muslims Defend Christians From Muslims

While some Christians are advocating the persecution of Muslims, something notable occurred in May in Indonesia: Muslims coming to the defense of persecuted Christians. As reported in Christianity Today and CNN, 300 hundred Islamic leaders from 30 countries came together to denounce religious extremism...

What the Resurrection Demonstrates

For Christians the resurrection is of supreme significance, but can we articulate why? I’m not so sure. Our first instinct may be to say that Jesus’ resurrection proves his divinity, but I think it in fact proves God’s divinity, which is rather redundant. If you think about it, a god being raised from the...

The Cross as the Response to Evil

“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” “Learn war.”  That’s an interesting phrase.  Seems we have, all of us. When I was little I just assumed that we would always be at war. ...

Three Crosses

This is the 1st in the message series, “The Genius of Three” Larry L. Eubanks, FBC Frederick, March 13, 2016 So we’re starting a new series called “The Genius of Three.” Let me start out by telling you what this series is not trying to do. There’s a movement that has always been a part of religion that...

The Incarnation Is Really Unrealistic

The incarnation of Christ isn’t very realistic. Certain details in the Christmas story, for instance: Angels appearing in dreams. Angels appearing in person. A star hovering over one little house in one tiny village. An infertile older woman getting pregnant. A young virgin getting pregnant. God becoming a...

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