“Love Your Enemies”: Does God Do It?

A few years ago my parents became friends with a young man from their church who was studying to be a doctor in the Navy. He had finished medical school and was entering residency. He told them once that one of the things he did to prepare himself for residency was to intubate himself. I don’t know if it...

I’m a Love Atheist (Warning: Satire Ahead)

When it comes to love, I am an unbeliever. There was a time when I was young, naïve and uneducated that I believed in the existence of love. People talked about it all the time, songs were written about it, and in almost every movie and every novel love played at least a small part. In many it was the major...

The Perfect Relationship

When I am building a guitar I am striving for something that I know I will never achieve: perfection. That I will never achieve it has to do not only with my experience and skill level in guitar building, but in the very concept of “The Perfect Guitar.” Every player has a different idea about what...

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