What the Resurrection Demonstrates

For Christians the resurrection is of supreme significance, but can we articulate why? I’m not so sure. Our first instinct may be to say that Jesus’ resurrection proves his divinity, but I think it in fact proves God’s divinity, which is rather redundant. If you think about it, a god being raised from the...

Three Questions

This is the 3rd message in the series, “The Genius of Three.” Part One was, “Three Crosses.” Part Two, “Three Days.” Larry L. Eubanks, First Baptist Church, Frederick, Maryland, Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016 That video you just saw showed some of the “three’s” associated with the life of Jesus, and in this...

Christmas and Easter Christians

You’ve probably heard about “Christmas and Easter Christians”—those Christians who only show up to church for the big, important services of Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. Sometimes they are called (somewhat pejoratively if not self-righteously) “chreasters” or CEO Christians(Christmas/Easter Only). For...