Ending Racism is Central to the Church’s Mission

Racism was the central problem in the New Testament, and the church was supposed to be the solution being lived out in the world. The hostility between many Jews and their attitudes toward Gentiles that we see in the gospels was racial hostility. It was deep, and it was dark. These Jews had categories of...

Should the President Heed the Sermon on the Mount?

Do you want the leaders of our country to follow the Sermon on the Mount? I’m not asking if you think they should be compelled to, or if the Sermon on the Mount should be made the law of the land along with the Ten Commandments and other parts of the Bible. This isn’t about religious liberty or whether the...

Jesus is the Standard: Part Five of “How I Read the Bible, And So Can You!”

When you do something all the time your approach becomes second nature and largely unconscious, so a few weeks ago I decided to examine what I do when I interpret the Bible and share those steps with you. I’ve written about how I: try to suspend my assumptions about the Bible and it’s inspiration; try to...

There’s No Alternative to the Truth

I’m not one for wearing t-shirts with clever messages. I never wanted wanted a bumper sticker on my car, so why would I want one on my shirt? There is one exception, and it’s a really geeky exception. In fact, I call it my Bible-geek shirt. It says, “presuppositionless exegesis is IMPOSSIBLE.” Part of the...

The Power of Escalating Forgiveness

Practically everyone believes that violence is wrong, it is evil, and it is a huge problem all around the world. We long for peace that is real, that is lasting, and that is more than just an oasis in a desert of violence. We just can’t agree on what to do about it. Nor can we agree with what the Bible says...

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