Discipleship: The Walk

This is the fifth and final in series on discipleship in the church.  See parts One, Two, Three, and Four. In previous posts I pointed out that most of the discipleship training I had in churches taught me to be a good church member, but not necessarily a transformed person; I learned to talk about a lot of...

Discipleship: Talking The Talk

Fourth in a series on discipleship in the church.  See part 1, part 2, part 3. In my last post I said that the process of a disciple becoming like the teacher involves at minimum two things: talking about the things the teacher talks about, and doing the things the teacher instructs the disciple to do.  The...

Discipleship Jesus’ Way

This is part 3 in my look at discipleship in the church.  See part 1 and part 2. In 2006 ago I got the chance to do something that I had wanted to do for a while, and that was learn how to build acoustic guitars. I attended a two-week workshop at Vermont Instruments and came home with a guitar that I built...

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