The Incarnation Lens

In my last post I wrote about the relationship between the Old Testament and the New. In a culture that tends to value the new over the old, it’s not surprising to find that Christians tend to elevate the New Testament over the Old, whether by considering it to be mere background to the really good stuff...

What The Bible Really Says About Slavery

Though Christians today almost universally accept that slavery is an intolerable evil, it is also almost universally accepted that the Bible stops short of outright condemnation of slavery and can even be considered to be somewhat accepting of it. Christian slaveholders in the U.S. pointed out that Paul...

He Said to Follow Him

We have different ways in which we speak of what a person does with Jesus when they become a Christian. We ask them to believe in Jesus, or accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, or trust him, receive him or some combination of those. We also talk about worshiping Jesus and following Jesus. All these are...

Christmas and Easter Christians

You’ve probably heard about “Christmas and Easter Christians”—those Christians who only show up to church for the big, important services of Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. Sometimes they are called (somewhat pejoratively if not self-righteously) “chreasters” or CEO Christians(Christmas/Easter Only). For...

The Last Lamb

In the gospel of John, Jesus is portrayed as the Lamb of God, a sacrifice offered up by God to deliver his people from slavery to sin. According to Hebrews, this was the last sacrifice needed, for this Lamb’s death purified and sanctified once and for all. “But when Christ had offered for all time a single...

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