Voices in the Bible

The Bible is different than the Koran or the Book of Mormon. Just not in the way you are probably supposing. According to Muhammad, God spoke to him through the angel Gabriel over the course of 23 years, dictating the various parts of the Koran. Muhammad isn’t the author, nor Gabriel; God is the author....

Jesus, Inspiration, and Revelation: Part 6 of “How I Interpret the Bible, and So Can You!”

In the last post in this series on interpreting the Bible, I noted that the New Testament writers are all in agreement that Jesus is the fullest revelation of the nature and character of God. This naturally raises questions regarding the nature of Scripture, inspiration, and Jesus’ relationship to the Old...

How I Read the Bible, And So Can You! Part 1

This was going to be an easy article on “How I Read the Bible.” It was going to be a numbered list of things that over the years I have almost subconsciously learned to do when I read a passage. A few things with short explanations. A easy, short-hand guide to help people read Scripture more deeply and...

The Testament That Comes After the New Testament

By the time of Jesus, the Old Testament was closed, i.e. it was determined that nothing new would be included in the sacred writings of the Hebrews. The Torah was five books, not six; Moses was dead, so how could there be more anyway? Besides, five is all that is needed, they said. Psalms? There are a...

How Do You Decide Which Bible Verses Apply?

I recently did an exercise with my Wednesday Bible class in which I gave them a few dozens verses of Scripture and asked them to mark each one according to whether it is applicable for us today as written, applicable but with some modification according to the underlying principle, or no longer applicable...

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