God’s Offensive Love

God’s kind of love is the highest kind of love. It is unconditional, freely-given, abundant, never-ending, and steadfast through all circumstances. “What can separate us from the love of God?” Paul asks in Romans 8. “Nothing,” he says. Not the most powerful person on earth, now or in the future. Not death...

When Muslims Defend Christians From Muslims

While some Christians are advocating the persecution of Muslims, something notable occurred in May in Indonesia: Muslims coming to the defense of persecuted Christians. As reported in Christianity Today and CNN, 300 hundred Islamic leaders from 30 countries came together to denounce religious extremism...

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life

We are told that we have five senses through which we perceive the world—sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. I’m going to argue that there is a sixth sense, but I don’t mean ESP or anything like that. I’m talking about cognitive sense—thinking. Einstein derived the theory of special relativity and the...

“Love Your Enemies”: Does God Do It?

A few years ago my parents became friends with a young man from their church who was studying to be a doctor in the Navy. He had finished medical school and was entering residency. He told them once that one of the things he did to prepare himself for residency was to intubate himself. I don’t know if it...