Do We Really Want to See God?

“Purity of heart,” Søren Kiekegaard once said, “is to will one thing.” That’s an interesting idea, isn’t it, since purity of heart is generally thought of as something approaching sinlessness, and to will one thing—and only one thing—seems, well, a bit obsessive. I mean, aren’t we all striving for balance...

Boring Isn’t Always Bad

A guitar that only costs $150 new is not a good guitar. It doesn’t sound that good, it is not very easy to play, and it has few if any of the decorative features that make a guitar beautiful. So why do guitar manufacturers make so many of them? There is only one reason why there are $150 guitars: because...

Ending with the Beginning in Mind

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Begin with the end in mind.” It was popularized in Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, but it’s not a new concept. It means that instead of just letting your life unfold, buffeted by forces around you, with the result that you end up not some...

He Said to Follow Him

We have different ways in which we speak of what a person does with Jesus when they become a Christian. We ask them to believe in Jesus, or accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, or trust him, receive him or some combination of those. We also talk about worshiping Jesus and following Jesus. All these are...

Christmas and Easter Christians

You’ve probably heard about “Christmas and Easter Christians”—those Christians who only show up to church for the big, important services of Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. Sometimes they are called (somewhat pejoratively if not self-righteously) “chreasters” or CEO Christians(Christmas/Easter Only). For...

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