Death Isn’t Always About Dying

In a previous post, “The Serpent Didn’t Lie About Death,” I asserted that the true consequence of The Fall in Genesis 3 was not dying, which is actually a very natural part of life, but something much worse—the loss of our humanity. If this is so—and I really believe it is—then it has major ramifications...

Death By Baptism

Message by Larry L. Eubanks, First Baptist Church of Frederick, Maryland. August 21, 2016 Last week we saw the power of water down in Baton Rouge. I watched a video of a woman and her dog being rescued from her car. Did you see it? She’s trapped in a convertible with the top up and rescuers in a boat are...

The Serpent Didn’t Lie about Death

Humans have a natural fear of death, but that fear has caused us to miss the true lie of the serpent in Genesis 3. In the story Adam and Eve are told that they can eat of any tree in the garden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, “for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.” (Gen....

Is Anybody Listening?

In the weeks leading up to Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, there is a change in his demeanor.  There’s more sadness, he’s perhaps more confrontational yet less optimistic that people are going to get it.  The crowds dwindle, his disciples argue more, and the religious authorities seem to be painting a big...

“You Won’t Die”: Was the Serpent Right?

In Genesis 3, the Man and the Woman eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, even though they had been warned that “in the day that you eat of it you shall die” (Genesis 2:17). That’s a pretty specific warning. It specifies 1) what they are and aren’t supposed to do; 2) what will happen if they...