If An Evil Person Does a Good Thing, Is It Good or Evil?

“Whoever is not with me is against me.” “Whoever is not against us is for us.” Jesus made both of these statements, and they aren’t different ways of saying the same thing. The first, from Matthew 12:20, restricts the number of people who are for Jesus to those who are with him. If you aren’t specifically...

I’m a Love Atheist (Warning: Satire Ahead)

When it comes to love, I am an unbeliever. There was a time when I was young, naïve and uneducated that I believed in the existence of love. People talked about it all the time, songs were written about it, and in almost every movie and every novel love played at least a small part. In many it was the major...

So, Maybe I’m an Atheist?

It’s a curious thing that the first Christians were called “atheists.” That’s right, atheists. Obviously that wasn’t because they didn’t believe in the existence of any god; it was because they didn’t believe in the existence of any of the Roman gods. The earliest Christians confessed that Jesus, and only...