Charleston and Our Culture of Violence

Once again we are reeling in the aftermath of another mass killing, this one clearly and explicitly racially motivated. As usual, we also have to listen to the same rhetoric from both sides of the gun issue, then watch while nothing gets done before the country gets distracted by the next big thing in the...

Redwood Time and the Kingdom of God

The Coast Redwood is the world’s tallest living organism, with the tallest towering 35 to 38 stories high. From a distance a tree that tall looks long and slender like a basketball player, but in fact the Coast Redwood is massive. At eye-level the trunk can be 27 feet in diameter, the length of two VW...

To Rule Over Creation

In Genesis 1, God made humans in his image and entrusted them with sovereignty over the rest of creation. This sovereignty over creation isn’t a despotic rule to do whatever we want with and to the earth, imposing our will on it. Have you ever tried to do that to a garden, forcing the soil to bend to your...

Creation Care: A Biblical Mandate

At each stage of creation in Genesis 1, God likes what he has created. He declares that the world is good. When it’s all done, he declares that the creation is very good. And then something goes very wrong. First the humans decide that they don’t want to be what God created them to be—humans. They want to...

The End of Creation

To believe in God is to believe that life is going somewhere. It is to believe that the universe is part of a grand narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. And by “end” I don’t mean “the point after which there is nothing,” as in the end of a movie or end of a book. Rather, I mean “end” as in purpose,...

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